1. - Every presenter had the ability to
hook the audience from the first sentence. Their talks blended storytelling, practical insights, and humor so seamlessly that time melted away—what felt like 20 minutes was actually two hours.
Speakers didn’t just talk about their fields—they shared heartfelt stories and hard-earned lessons from their own journeys. It felt like getting advice from a trusted mentor, not a textbook.
As someone who also deals with sinus issues, I couldn’t help but feel for those around me struggling with runny noses. By the second day, the constant sniffling started to make me a little uneasy. Honestly, I think the room temperature might’ve been perfect for those sitting far from the air-con, but for the rest of us, it felt a bit off.
I felt that the health topic could be shared with more input even though the presenter attempt to balance jokes and informative information regarding health. I felt like hours waiting the speaker to finish his session. There’s a lot of room to improve, but overall the speakers can read the room well.